
Wingsuit uses presets to make webpack configurations reusable across different apps.

The goal is to deliver a community-driven set of webpack presets. Check out the predefined presets in the default config stub.

What is a preset

A preset provides a pre configured webpack configuration bundled in a node module.

A good starting point is the wingsuit scss bundle.

module.exports = {
  name: function (appConfig) {
    return 'preset-name';
  defaultConfiguration: function(appConfig) {
    return {'param1': 'value1'};
  webpack: function(appConfig, config) {
    return {
    // Custom Webpack.
  webpackFinal: function(appConfig, webpack, config) {
    // Alter final webpack config.
    return webpack;
  • name The unique name of the preset.
  • defaultConfiguration should return the configuration defaults. This configuration can be overwritten.
  • webpack should return the webpack code
  • webpackFinal is optional and should only be implemented if the preset needs to make changes to the final webpack.

Install a preset

To install a preset add your preset to your package.json and add it to your wingsuit.config.yml:

module.exports = {
    presets: {

Configure a preset

Every presets should work with zero configuration out of the box. A preset ship with a default configuration by the defaultConfiguration method. You can overwrite the configuration with the parameters key in your wingsuit.config.yml.

module.exports = {
    parameters: {
      'preset-name': {
        'param1': 'newValue'
    presets: {

Compression Preset
Gzip and Brotli compression for your files.
Imagemin Preset
Optimize your images and create webp variants of them on the fly.
PWA Preset
Let wingsuit generate all your favicons and a manifest.json for pwa enhancements for you.