SVG images
If you need SVG files as images instead of icons, put your images in an images
To render the SVG icon, use the ws-assets stream wrapper:
<img src="{{ file_create_url('ws-assets://images/icon.svg')">
SVG Icons
Wingsuit generates an SVG sprite map for every SVG located in an icons
To render the icons include the svg atom
in your Twig template:
{% include "@atoms/svg/svg.twig" with {"variant": 'icon', icon: "icon" }
Multiple SVG spritemaps.
If you need more than one spritemap you can put your icons in a separate folder and extend the preset configuration in wingsuit.yml
For example, if you need a spritemap for your language icons, put all the icons in a folder called icons-languages
Then you need to configure the svg preset with multiple svg folders.
Here's the configuration for our icons-languages
module.exports = {
parameters: {
'svg': {
sources: [
sourceFolder: 'icons',
jsonFile: path.join(appConfig.absAppPath, '/config/silo/svgs.json'),
spriteFilename: 'images/spritemap.svg',
sourceFolder: 'icons-languages',
jsonFile: path.join(appConfig.absAppPath, '/config/silo/svgs-languages.json'),
spriteFilename: 'images/spritemap-languages.svg',
After that you need to adjust the icons.mdx
file to read the new svg-languages.json.