Presentation templates are located typically at apps/storybook/patterns/type/
They are useful to present a combination of components. A very typical use case are the pages in atomic design.
- pattern.stories.jsx
- pattern.twig
Within the stories, you load the twig file the same way as you do it in the twig only component.
import { RenderTwig } from '@wingsuit-designsystem/storybook';
import React from 'react';
import 'index';
export default { title: '05-folder/Name' };
const twigTemplate = require('./twigfile.twig');
export const Variant = () => <RenderTwig data={twigTemplate}></RenderTwig>;
Additional Twig functions
Inside the Twig template you may use two additional Twig functions:
pattern_preview(patternId, variantId, variables)
to render an existing pattern, including all preview data from the component. You can overwrite preview data with variables.pattern(patternId, variantId, variables)
to render a pattern without any preview data. You can provide all variables as the third argument.